Insiders are aware that Miss Lindsay and Nicole Richie are no longer BFF's - and its no thanks to arch frenemy, Paris Hilton. A few months after baby Harlow was born, Nicole's fiance Joel Madden was DJing at a local club, apparently getting cozy with Li-Lo, while Nic was left at home holding the baby. Miss Hilton witnessed this and was suddenly super keen to drop her old mate Nicole a text message, stating, 'Lindsay was all over Joel, he was so zeroed in on Lindsay, he never heard his cell ring', which of course infuriated young Nic.
Fast forward almost a year later - and we all know that Linds has been desperate to get things back on track with her lady-love, DJ Samantha Ronson. Poor bunny has been showing up at every event on Sam's social calendar, in the hopes of reigniting their romance - and for a while it looked like her plan had worked. Only now Nicole is hanging with Samantha, inviting her to every Hollywood shin-dig known to man, with the only pre-requisite that she dont bring her flame haired lover along. Poor Fire-Crotch has been kicked to the curb and she's not happy about it. Get ready for a true Hollywood-style meltdown!
One day she's wearing an engagement ring, the next she's being dumped and an AVO taken out against her. Whats next in the soap opera that is Lindsay Lohan? Stay tuned folks!
photos courtesy of and
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